Initials of Entomology and Insect Toxicology

Initials of Entomology and Insect Toxicology

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 03.11.2014 )

€ 39,90

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Research is the fundamental thing in any study field either agriculture or non-agriculture areas. This book comprises of different aspects of entomological research with special focus on insect toxicological aspetcs.A research project is given with particulars as: The experiment was laid out in a complete randomized design (CRD) followed by five treatments with Five replications to evaluate the efficacy of different insecticides against jassid on arind crop (Castor Ricinuscommunis). The six synthetic insecticides (Spintoram 120 SL @ 60 ml /acre, Dimethoate 40% EC @ 400 ml /acre, Acetameprid20SL @ 125 ml/acre and Profenophos500 EC @ 400 ml/acre, Diafenthiuron 500 SC @ 200 ml and Pyriproxifin 10.8% EC @ 400 ml) were used as treatment and a water as a control. The maximum percentage mortality was recorded in prophenophos 90%,followed by pyriproxifin 85, dimethoat 82%, spintoram 85,diafentheuron 84% ,acetamiprid 74%, and respectively.) So, these results showed that (acetameprid) is less toxic to jassid because it causes less mortality after 72 hours while profenophos is highly toxic because it causes 90 % mortality in 72 hours. While the remaining insecticides(Spintoram 120 SL @ 60.

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By (author) :

Muhammad Wajid Javed
Hafiz Muqitullah
Dilbar Hussain

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Сельское хозяйство, садоводство, лесное хозяйство, рыболовство, питание