EU and Egyptian Perceptions

EU and Egyptian Perceptions

One point of view or another

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-06-25 )

€ 49,00

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The author emphasize the interaction between the Egyptian & European perceptions & policies towards the issue of security of the Mediterranean region & elements of the convergence & divergence, through studying a range of key issues, the Arab Israeli conflict; weapons of mass destruction; religious fundamentalism & terrorism; illegal immigration. Several points of difference emphasized at both level of perceptions or policies, Egypt (economic cooperation for development, while EU countries illegal immigration, the fight against extremism & terrorism)also other differences emerged between European countries on the Arab Israeli conflict which there visions depend on national interest of the participants in the EMP. Egyptian Perceive security & stability in the Mediterranean region are linked to two major interrelated issues: the arms control & the peaceful settlement of the Arab-sraeli conflict. While the focus of the EU goes to the impacts of domestic developments in southern & eastern countries of Mediterranean which affect security & stability, particularly the growing seriousness of fundamentalist Islamic movements refugee flows to European countries.

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By (author) :

Essam M. Fares

Number of pages:


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Comparative and international political science

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