Service Quality

Service Quality

A Measurement Tool for improving Quality in Engineering Education

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2011-07-21 )

€ 79,00

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Service Quality as a multidisciplinary subject,empirical research has come up with various modelsacross the world. This book focuses on themeasurement of factors that influence the quality ofservice systems, engineering education service inparticular. The engineering education have emergedfrom a decade of fundamental restructuring driven bymarket-based, price competition. Many of the paststudies neglected significant impacts of such issuesbecause of the existence of governmentalinstitutions. Models from past studies are confinedin their capability and applicability to analyseservice process to private institutions. Moreover,there seems to be a paucity of literature indeveloping economies like India on service qualitymeasurement in contrast to the huge amount ofresearch works done in developed nations on qualitymanagement. In this scenario, this book endeavoursto explore the research issues of service quality andits measurement with a specific reference to theengineering education sector in a developing economy.This research work assumes greater significanceespecially in the global context to adoptcomprehensive approach in engineering education.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

M Palani Natha Raja
Ashwani Kumar

Number of pages:


Published on:



Education system