Enhancing Social Marketing in Zimbabwe

Enhancing Social Marketing in Zimbabwe

Some Critical Lessons and Experiences for Africa's Civil Society

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-05-15 )

€ 59,00

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Social marketing has become a viable option for managing problems like substance abuse in the first world. Africa faces major challenges, including HIV/AIDS and poverty, all of which require behavior and policy change through a social marketing approach. Despite the establishment of numerous non-governmental organizations (NGO), tackling diverse social issues, their impact on behaviour or policy change remains minimal. While social marketing could help address some of Africa’s current challenges, its impact is diluted by limited academic literature that is relevant to its application within the continent’s context. Social marketing presents a dynamic new solution to old challenges for Africa, as reflected in this book. Drawing lessons from Zimbabwe through a case study, the book illustrates how Public Service International (PSI)’s social marketing strategies contributed towards reducing the country’s HIV prevalence. It explains how these concepts can be applied to diverse social issues. The analysis could help agents of change to effectively transform lives positively. It should be useful to professionals, the public sector and academics involved in behavior and policy change.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Matilda Moyo

Number of pages:


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