Levels of and contextual influences on obstetric morbidity in Thailand

Levels of and contextual influences on obstetric morbidity in Thailand

Secondary data analysis from Kanchanaburi Demographic Surveillance System

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-08-02 )

€ 68,00

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Community characteristics have been recognized as shaping individual health, but there have been only a few studies explaining their influence on obstetric morbidity. This book examines the prevalence and association of individual and community-level determinants with self-reported obstetric morbidity and related care-seeking behavior in Thailand. Results of the in-depth investigation on obstetric morbidity and related care among 1067 women, living in 100 villages, are the basis of this book. It is highlighted that thirty-nine percent of the women reported at least one severe obstetric morbidity during pregnancy and delivery in Thailand. Only about a half of them reported that they had sought care for the morbidity. While not working percentage and percentage of single-headed households in the villages were positive predictors of reported morbidity, not working, a lower level of education, and health insurance coverage were positive predictors of care-seeking behavior. Qualitative assessment further indicated that poverty and poor social and health infrastructure of communities may be the root cause of the problem

Book Details:







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By (author) :

sharad kumar sharma
Panee Vong-ek

Number of pages:


Published on:



Social structural research