Managing Recidivism, Serious Mental Illness, and Policies

Managing Recidivism, Serious Mental Illness, and Policies

Managing Recidivism, Serious Mental Illness, and Policies: Voices from Human Services and Justice Co-ordinating Committees

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-01-25 )

€ 49,00

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Debate regarding the balance between a lack of an integrated system of community based mental health care,compulsory care,individual rights & freedoms in the context of serious mental illness,is not a new one. It contains a delicate, changing balance of rights & obligations. The evolution of Ontario''s Mental Health Act is discussed illustrating how the current mental health system evolved, unwell & untreated persons reside in communities. Deficiencies are highlighted in applying mental health legislation to situations of persons with persistent psychosis, are treatment non-collaborative, lack the insight symptoms of psychosis can cause, and chronically interface with the criminal justice system. A Government of Ontario inter-ministerial initiative – Human Services and Justice Coordinating Committees is the focus of research. This unique convergence of healthcare, criminal justice system, and community service providers & stakeholders have been mandated together to discuss their common clients toward prevention, system design, crisis/community intervention, court assessments, & case management. Latent consequences of this policy convergence are discussed.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Sherry Beal

Number of pages:


Published on:



Social pedagogy, social work