Intuition and Decision-Making – A New Way of Thinking

Intuition and Decision-Making – A New Way of Thinking

Identifying Intuition In the Decision-Making Process: A Phenomenological Research Study

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-05-11 )

€ 79,00

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A new way of thinking and using our brain is required to meet 21st Century unexpected and multi-dimensional challenges. Using models and strictly rational and logical processes is no longer sufficient in formulating successful solutions. The ability to forecast, identify trends, and make accurate predictions is becoming more critical in evaluating scenarios and making decisions. This study addresses the concept of intuition and the research demonstrates the important role that intuition plays in our thinking process whether we are conscious of it or not. The purpose of the study was to extract a better understanding of the intuitive thought process from participants'' professional experiences. The findings indicate that intuition can provide clarity of thought and increase the speed of decision-making while providing valid solutions and potentially induce a higher level of consciousness. From this research Dr. Surel created Intuitive Intelligence Training that incorporates findings in neuroscience, the heart function, remote viewing, and principles of quantum physics. This book will interest anyone wishing to shift their cognitive functions into multi-dimensional thinking.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Dominique Surel

Number of pages:


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