Challenges to Theology in Africa Today

Challenges to Theology in Africa Today

A Challenge to Evangelization

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-09-27 )

€ 79,00

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The Catholic Church’s decision to exclude women from the ordination should not include playing active roles in other ministries. Pope Benedict XVI has stated that the ordination of women is a closed issue. He does have the power to allow their participation in the ordained ministry! It is interesting to note that when the 10th Lambeth Conference of the Anglican Communion held in London in 1997, officially allowed the ordination of women, the Catholic Church was quick to accept over 200 Anglican male chauvinists who chose to cross over to the catholic with their wives and children! We know from history that heretical ideas on women paved way to their exclusion from important ministries in the church. St. Augustine of Hippo due to his past thought that something was dirty about women and that man should avoid them as much as possible. Giles of Viterbo wrote that a woman from the waist upward was a creature of God, but from the waist downwards a creature of the devil. There is a litany of challenges of Theology in Africa. We have dealt with women, globalization, sin, conflict resolution, HIV AIDS, the role of the laity among others. This book is good to all theological institutes

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Rt.Rev.Daniel W Kasomo

Number of pages:


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Practical theology