Graftless approach for edentulous patients

Esthetic and functional rehabilitation of edentulous patients with Graftless procedures

Anjali Musale, Gaurav Beohar - ISBN: 978-620-7-64789-7

€ 79,90

Job satisfaction level

Job satisfaction and associated factors among AHMC health workers in adama, oromia, Ethiopia

TEWDROS KASAHUN - ISBN: 978-620-7-84150-9

€ 43,90

Enhancing Vocabulary through Phraseological Units

Mushtariy Qarshiyeva - ISBN: 978-620-7-84222-3

€ 43,90

Dental Robots

A Paradigm Shift in Dentistry

Hajira Sahal Sultan, Mahima Tilakchand - ISBN: 978-620-7-65265-5

€ 43,90

Creating Emotional Spaces: Architectural Inspirations

RISHABH ARORA, Kshama Sharma - ISBN: 978-620-7-81024-6

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Innovating Minds

Research and Innovation in Higher Education

Rajni Gautam - ISBN: 978-620-7-84156-1

€ 43,90

Empowering Girls

Education as a Catalyst for Change

Rajni Gautam - ISBN: 978-620-7-84157-8

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Unraveling the Impact of Social Media on Youth Psychology

Rajni Gautam - ISBN: 978-620-7-84158-5

€ 43,90

Comparative Analysis of Antioxidant Properties in Rice Bran Extracts

A Study of Oryza sativa Jyothi and Oryza sativa Rakthasali

MARY ANGEL JACSON, RESHMA K - ISBN: 978-620-7-47160-7

€ 43,90